The Move to G's New Barn - 4/15/10
I couldn't have asked for a move to go smoother than today; it was truly one of the best horsie days I've had in a long time. We arrived right on schedule and the barn owner was there to meet & greet us. We put G out in the outdoor arena with some hay while we took care of the boarding contract etc. We got to talking and due to the weather I agreed that G was being so mellow that maybe it was a good time for him to meet the herd boss one on one, so she went and got Suny and brought him over. Suny is maybe 14.3, and black. She put in another couple flakes of hay and G of course went right for it. Suny had other ideas. They squealed at each other, pawed at the air and Suny ran G off the hay. I'd say it took about 40 minutes and when I looked out, the two of them were standing together nuzzling each others withers. When the owner came back out we talked about how great it went, and she said that Suny generally doesn't take to other horses like this. So if he got along with Suny, the rest of the group was a piece of cake so we put him out with the herd. It was so interesting to watch how if a horse started to get a little too pushy, G would walk over to Suny and Suny would pin his ears at the pursuer. G's smarter than I thought....befriend the boss and he'll be your protector, lol. Anyway, this is the first time in 5.5 years that he's been turned out with other horses, and it so did my heart good to see him play and behave like, well a horse! So what we thought might take three days took less than an hour, and G now has four herd mates.
Meeting the rest of the herd (Suny is the black horse on the left):
lol, meeting Irish up close and personal like:
The barn:
Yep, I hear a dinner cart coming!
Big roomy stall with mats and lots of cushy sawdust:
When we drove back in after dinner we were greeted with this face (he's got a runout out this door):
Two H A P P Y campers!!
A little video of G, Irish and Suny:
I believe we may have found horsie heaven. Tonight I am going to sleep soundly for sure.
Congrats. Hope it stays with the good vibe! Great pics.
Thanks! It is incredibly low key. Met most of the other boarders today, all women, all appear to have good solid horsemanship skills as well as rider ability. I think this will be a good fit!
Congratulations Kate!
Looks like a great day. Sue and I and Gunsmoke and Lensman say hi!
- Mark C.
Hi back at 'cha Mark, Sue, Lensman, and Gunsmoke! Once I learn the trails, you guys will have to come by for a ride. And I'm so much closer to Salmon Brook too :)
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